How You Can Start
Earning Online...
Success is all about simply mastering
the fundamentals...
Day 1:.
Our Training is Very SIMPLE.
Your DAILY TRAINING is to simply ask
your Team Leader, or Sponsor each DAY,
ONE question about any one of these
5 Critical Skills.
When we say "Ask" we mean:
email, text, call etc...
Here's example question #1: "How to get started? ..............................................................
Answer: Simply Go here and then come back here after .....................................................
you have got set up: HERE ........................
Here's example question #2: "How can I begin advertising? ...............................................
Answer: First ask your Team Leader for your special promotional link...............................
You can choose what promotional page you want to use HERE ........................
Here's example question #3: "How much does advertising cost?" ......................................
Answer #2: There's free advertising and paid advertising.....................................................
Want more details about it? Go HERE ........... ....................................................
Here's example question #4: "How do I get started advertising?" ......................................
Answer #3: Here's how to SETUP your first ad. Click HERE ........................................
Here's example question #5: "How do I get 1000 Hits Each Week?" ..................................
Answer #4: Here's the instructions how to do that. Click HERE .....................................
Here's example question #6: "What's another way I can connect with the team?"...............
Answer #5: Attend Fast Start Training & Meet the Team Each Week: Click HERE ..........
Here's example question #7: "What are the fundamentals and how .....................................
can I learn them?" ...................................................................................................................
Answer #6: Study this training over and over till you get it: Click HERE .......................
Here's example question #8: "What's the strategy to start winning .....................................
and potentially go full time?............................................................. .....................................
......................Answer #7: See the Essential Strategy: Click HERE ......................................................................
.Here's example question #9: "What's the extended strategy? ...............................................
......................Answer #7: See the "Train Stations" Strategy: Click HERE .............................................................
Is this too hard? We think you will find it to be EASY! ......................................................
But what's easy to do, is also easy NOT to do!...................................................................
Success is easy if you do it one step at a time. ......................................................................
So take the path of success and contact your Team Leader EACH DAY. .............................
Here's The Catch:.................................................................................................................
If you can learn these skills, then you WILL know how to succeed. ....................................
If you don't then you won't. ...................................................................................................
We need you to constantly (daily) be in contact with your Team Leader so that you can .....
learn these skills. It takes real FOCUS to learn them and if you focus, you will succeed! ..
Does this make sense? If it doesn't, then please contact your team leader about this also. ...
If it does make sense, then please make sure to ask your question each day, so that you ....
will continue to learn! ............................................................................................................
As we see you're taking this assignment seriously, we will give you paid members and
help you learn how to get your own new members through learning .and applying ...........
these skills. ...........................................................................................................................
Question: What is the daily assignment?
Answer: To ask your Team Leader ONE question
about the 5 Critical Skills each day (see below).
That's it!
Then go out and apply it and learn
from experience. As you learn, you will
get better and soon you should see things
changing for you. :)

Here is your team Leaders contact information:
Team Leader: Albie Derbyshire
Phone: 626-379-5692
Skype: Albion Derbyshire
Facebook: Albion W. Derbyshire
Weekly Zoom Training:
Mon & Wed 9:30 pm EST
(PST: 6:30 pm, MST: 7:30 pm, CST 8:30 pm, EST: 9:30 pm)
(Copy link and add it to your browser)
$99 Paid Mentors Course Each Friday 9:30 pm EST
(PST: 6:30 pm, MST: 7:30 pm, CST 8:30 pm, EST: 9:30 pm)
1-on-1 Guided help & Advanced Marketing:
Go HERE to Get Started.
Day 1: Learning Critical Skill #1: Go HERE
Using the Training Points:
Day 2: Learning Critical Skill #2: Go HERE
Day 3: Learning Critical Skill #3: Go HERE
Day 4: Learning Critical Skill #4: Go HERE
Day 5: Learning Critical Skill #5: Go HERE
Ok, now let's really dig into learning Critical Skill #1: Go HERE

Do NOT Continue Until You Have Gone Through
The Training Above FIRST.
YBY Working Together and Making Sales!